Trauma was never meant to be a destination.



The Art of Anger

We welcome you to explore The Art of Anger, release your long-held pain and trauma, and free yourself from the pain of your past. We provide a sacred place for releasing the anger and resentment that we all carry around with us, accumulated and packed away after every lie, every betrayal, every emotional manipulation, every physical assault, every verbal attack.

At The Art of Anger, we understand that trauma was NEVER meant to be a destination. Yet, far too many people experience traumatic life events such as cheating and betrayal, sexual and other violent assaults, breakups, suffocating toxic relationships, loss of loved ones, as a result of divorce, terminal illness, accidental deaths, suicides, and many other painful life experiences, and unfortunately find themselves still living with the pain, stuck in the trauma many weeks, months and years later. If that’s you, we are glad you found your way here! We can help you to release yourself from the shackles of pain and hurt and anger that currently bind you and keep you from experiencing true lasting, resplendent joy!


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What is The Art of Anger?



Services We Offer


Let's Break Stuff