What is the Art of Anger?
When your body feels out of alignment (aches and pains, chronic conditions, disorders and disease), IT IS. In fact when you know and can name why you are angry (pent up, buried anger, resentment, rage from past hurtful life experiences), then it is definitely time for you to release those feelings that have been deeply buried within your body for far too long.
At The Art of Anger, we approach anger releasing work from an holistic and energetic healing perspective. We are energetic healers, empaths, and shamans with backgrounds in psychology, sexuality, personal coaching, spiritual counseling. We are familiar with the physical body, pain bodies, auric, ethereal, and energetic bodies.
If you’ve tried other ‘anger work’ and still found yourself to be full of anger even though you diligently wrote the letters, poetry, songs, or journal entries, you’re not alone! You are among many thousands who have been directed to write out their rage. You wrote letters or poems or songs. You charted your triggers and your dreams. You journaled, daily. You cried. You even felt better, initially. But before long, you realized you were still really, really angry. That’s where The Art of Anger comes in. Anger lives deep within us, festering like a wound and causing physical and emotional pain. Writing about it simply isn’t enough. It must be dredged up from deep within. Coaxed out of the crevices and corners within your internal body where it’s been buried for far too long. That process requires a certain set of physical movements that when repeated along with visualization of the pain and those who inflicted the wounds, it’s finally allowed to be released -- through a cathartic set of sensory experiences that provide physical and emotional and energetic release and relief from the pain.
Be Your Own Hero!
You don't have to be angry anymore. And you don't have to be ashamed of your anger, nor of physically expressing it out loud. You have a right to experience the full range of human emotions; you have a right to be angry. And, just as importantly, you have a responsibility to yourself to set yourself FREE from the bondage of old emotional injuries. You've outgrown them. They no longer serve your highest and best. It's perfectly okay if you just aren't sure quite how to do that, because we are here to help you.
You're going to rescue yourself, by being your own hero! We're just here to provide the super hero costume and the phone booth in which to change! So, come on in and break some stuff, release some stuff, heal some stuff and reclaim your sense of wholeness, and get back on track pursuing your life's work. It's time to stand, live and walk in the full truth of your power. You are amazing. You are powerful. You are Divine. And you're about to feel a whole lot lighter, too!
Our Clients
Our clients are regular people with regular lives: nurses, teachers, mechanics, cooks, landscapers, drivers, doctors, lawyers, judges, waiters, clerks, students, mothers and fathers. Our clients are just like you: someone who’s accumulated anger in their lives just by virtue of living and loving and being in relationships with other humans, some healthier than others, some toxic.
In fact, you’ve probably come to this site because you find yourself missing out on the joys of life all around you. Full of anger and resentment stemming from the traumatic pain you’ve endured, you feel stuck, unable to move forward with your life. You may be suffering from different physical ailments, including chronic pain such as migraines, shoulder and back pain, or worse. Anger is a powerful emotion that attaches to cells within the body when it is suppressed over and over again. We will show you how to safely and effectively release the anger that bubbles beneath your surface, like a volcano ready to explode!